Polytype America Introduces its NQ32 Printer

Polytype America has introduced the NQ32 grand-format UV printer, a 3.2-meter combination flatbed/roll-to-roll machine. Featuring Dimatix Q-Class printheads, the machine offers grayscale capability (10- to 30-picoliter drop size) and supports up to nine color channels (CMYKcm and additional colors, plus optional white). Top visual resolution is 2400 dpi. The NQ32’s table measures 50 by 128 inches. The company also introduced the Jetrix 2030 UV flatbed, produced in conjunction with Ink Tec/Jetrix and targeted to first-time UV flatbed users. The Jetrix 2030 features a CMYKcm + optional white + primer; grayscale capabilities (14- to 42-picoliter drop size); visual resolution up to 1350 dpi; and a reverse vacuum system for handling heavy materials.
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