SGIA Submits Comments to CPSC Urging Reduction of Testing Burdens

In response to a request for information regarding methods to reduce the burdens of third party testing for CPISA compliance, SGIA submitted comments to the Commission.  To reduce the testing costs associated with phthalate content, SGIA recommended that the Commission codify the definition of “child care article” found in Public Law 110-314: “The term child care article means a consumer product designed or intended by the manufacturer to facilitate sleep or the feeding of children age 3 and younger, or to help such children with sucking or teething.”  Further, the Association recommends that to further clarify the application of the phthalate testing methodology, and to codify the Commission’s position on this issue, that a definition for plasticized component be adopted in the regulatory text. For a full copy of SGIA’s comment, please contact Marci Kinter at