Fujifilm Announces Major New Updates to XMF Workflow and XMF Remote

FUJIFILM North America Corporation, Graphic Systems Division announces the release of Fujifilm XMF Workflow v6.1 and the web portal system XMF Remote v10.1.  XMF Workflow v6.1 includes the Adobe PDF Print Engine 3 (APPE3) and is also the first workflow system in the world to incorporate Mercury RIP Architecture, a technology for high speed operation developed by Adobe. As a result, XMF Workflow v6.1 achieves dramatic improvements in file processing times. In addition, XMF Remote v10.1 is designed for utilization in a wide range of environments through various improvements, including complete compatibility with HTML 5.  The most significant characteristic of the Mercury RIP Architecture incorporated in XMF Workflow v6.1 is load balancing by processing each page of a single job simultaneously during rendering, resulting in higher processing speeds to maximize the utilization of system resources. XMF Remote v10.1 is equipped with HTML 5 compatibility for all functions used by the client, and even on computers and tablets where the use of Java is not possible for security and other reasons, complete XMF Remote functionality is now available. 
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