Safety Package - Guide for Prevention of Amputations

OSHA has put our industry under the microscope for risks of amputations and other severe injuries. As a result, they have enhanced inspection programs designed to address amputation hazards and regulatory violations.  To help you develop a comprehensive approach to the prevention of amputations in the workplace, SGIA has developed it's "Guide for the Prevention of Amputations."  The information provided below both complements and supplements the safety mailing sent to our members on this topic. The purpose of this safety program is program to assist you in the first steps toward identifying and understanding common hazards and the management of those hazards with respect to powered machinery and work practices. This program serves as the basis for your operations facility and helps to ensure and/or integrate the necessary elements described in this program into your existing safety and health program.  Remember, safety compliance must be site-specific, so this program is designed to allow you to customize the material to be applicable to your facility and operations. If you currently have an established safety program, you can continue to use your program provided that the essential elements covered in this safety program are also addressed in your program.  If you do not have an established safety program, you are encouraged to develop a compliance program and include the site-specific material you customize with this program. This safety program includes the following:
  • Employer's Guide: designed as a background and reference on typical issues regarding risks of amputations when working with and on machinery. This guide also explains common reasons for amputations, where they occur, and initial preventative measures. This guide is designed to help you when you evaluate your facility along with the template resources and to answer questions during employee training.
  • Employee Handbook: provided as a handout for your employees. This handbook highlights the basic concepts of safety around machinery and follows the topics of the training program.
  • Training Power Point: provided as a teaching aid for your employee training programs. This program can be adopted as is or edited to accomodate and meet site specific needs.
  • Safety Posters (Lockout/Tagout) (Machine Guarding): quick reminders of safe operations. Two posters were sent to all members.
  • Resource Documentsprovided as evaulation tools. Use the templates and checklists provided to begin the assessment of your operations.  These resources can be modified to fit your specific needs.
Your first step is to download, review and fully understand all the resources provided. Next, perform your facility evaluation using the available templates and checklists available. Then post your safety posters.
Finally, conduct employee training with the tools provided. Make sure that you have copies of the employee handbook ready for distribution.
Also Tagged: Tools