The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC), developed by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, classifies freight in an effort to facilitate standardized pricing for items with similar size, density, ease of handling, value, and liability from things like theft, damage, and spoilage. There are 18 classifications. For the most part, the lower the NMFC class number, the lower the freight charge. If the freight company believes a company incorrectly classified a shipment, it can be reclassified by the carrier, normally resulting in a higher shipping fee. The reclassification can be disputed with the carrier, although the carrier has the final say. It helps to have the NMFC classification guidelines that are available in a book or online for a fee from the aforementioned association. They also has an advisory service that provides an opinion on the proper classification of a shipment. The fee is $25 per email inquiry or less if you purchase a block of inquiries. Visit for information.