Finding New Niche Markets Because You are a Digital Decorator

Aug. 16, 2018 • 4:00 AM UEST



In this class we are going to skip the how-to portion that most people focus on and dig into Niche Markets you can go after when you are a Digital Decorator. This class will help you put your Direct to Garment Printer, Sublimation Setup, Toner Transfer System or Print and Cut unit to work driving more business into your shop. We guarantee you will walk away with at least one new niche market that can be tackled with a Digital Decorating method. Terry Combs and Aaron Montgomery, who make up the 2 Regular Guys popular industry podcast have had the pleasure of traveling the world seeing digital decorating in action. They will take those experiences and share with you some unique niche markets that you can leave the show with and start finding new business.