It has been proposed that the Graphic Arts industry adopt a standard illuminant at a color temperature of 7400K for color appraisal of reflection type materials, although it is acknowledged that color transparencies should be viewed by light of color temperature 3800K, and that compatible light sources should be used for comparing proofs with transparencies. Differences will occur in proofs depending on whether compatible or non-compatible lighting setups are used. A study was made to determine the nature and extent of these differences. A transparency was viewed under 3800K illumination, and visual matches were made between colors in the transparency and Munsell color samples. Matches were made under two conditions of overhead illumination, one compatible with the transparency viewer and one at 7400K. Appreciable differences were found - an average of 4 Munsell hue steps and 2 Munsell chroma steps for the colors studied. The differences between the two sets of matches are given in Munsell notation for a variety of colors. The difference in results obtained should be kept in mind when setting up a lighting system for color viewing.