Experimentally Derived Criteria for Assessing Calculations of Ink/Water Interactions on Press


Year: 2000
Pages: 13


The measurements of lithographic press performance reported on in this paper all relate to behavior that is governed by the interactions that take place between ink and water on press. In addition to providing a means for verifying calculations of ink/water interactions on press, this experimental data provides insight into the manner in which water is consumed on press. Five groups of both new and existing experimental data are summarized as follows: (1) water consumption versus ink coverage on presses with integrated dampeners, and presses with segregated dampeners, (2) water consumption versus printed ink film thickness, (3) water consumption as a function of the number of ink form rollers, (4) the effect on water consumption of adding a rider roller to the dampening form roller, and (5) the amount of water lost by transfer to paper.


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