Worldwide Status and Progress of Lithographic Keyless Inking Technologies


Year: 1989
Pages: 24


Evolution of the lithographic process towards simpler press operation using keyless inking has achieved reality. Successful field trials during the past five years in widely dispersed regions of the world have reinforced perceived customer interest in keyless lithography, particularly for newspaper publishing. The largest number of unit orders and operating installations are for Japanese newspaper production. Two European installations have been completed and orders for keyless lithographic presses in the U.S. have been announced. The largest number of unit orders and operating installations are for Japanese newspaper production. Two European installations have been completed and orders for keyless lithographic presses in the U.S. have been announced. Keyless lithography has been under active development for at least a decade, principally in the United States, Germany, and Japan. Although the basic lithographic process remains the same, its implementation, requires new systems considerations. New materials are required. New equipment must be designed. For these reasons, development by different press manufacturers has involved distinctly different directions, a situation unlike conventional lithography. Understanding the systems aspects of keyless lithography promises to significantly advance the industry's overall understanding and control of the lithographic process.