Digital Data Exchange Standards (DDES) -- Its Role in Electronically Integrated Publishing


Year: 1990
Pages: 7


In order for the graphic arts industry to achieve true electronically integrated publishing (EIP) the bits and bytes that are used in design and production must become transportable across a variety of systems and a variety of design/production environments. This is the goal of the Digital Data Exchange Standards (DDES) development efforts. This body of work, the development of which began in 1985, is now complete through its first generation. These American National Standards (ANS) are known as ANS IT8.1 through IT8.5. They provide a common mechanism for the exchange of digital data across a variety of systems. This paper presents information on the new directions that are being taken in the standardization arena at both the national and international levels. National Standards (ANS) are known as ANS IT8.1 through IT8.5. They provide a common mechanism for the exchange of digital data across a variety of systems. This paper presents information on the new directions that are being taken in the standardization arena at both the national and international levels.