A Study of Image Colorimetric and Tonal Changes When Transferred from One Imaging Media to Another


Year: 1992 Vol. 2
Pages: 29


This work examines media, mode and raw material (medium) imposed reproduction changes through the ink on paper reproduction chain. The media change involves original images initially recorded on photocolor slide film transferred to ink on paper printed images. The images of this study have been transferred by electronic means, and printed using two different color separation techniques. One of these techniques was studied in depth, the Gray Component Replacement (GCR) technique. Several levels of GCR are discussed. The separation technique, the transfer curve, spectral sensitivities imposed by several separation devices Color Electronic Pagination Systems (CEPS) and means of printing the final images fall under the definition of the mode. The raw material used in the printing operation are referred to as the medium. The medium independent variables of these experiments include, 3 different toner levels in the black ink, 3 different black ink density levels, and 3 different paper types. The dependent variables studied include percent dot area, Status A transmission and Status T reflection densitometry, as well as colorimetric data indicating CIE L*a*b*, Lightness, hue angle and chroma. The dependent variables studied include percent dot area, Status A transmission and Status T reflection densitometry, as well as colorimetric data indicating CIE L*a*b*, Lightness, hue angle and chroma.