First experimental measurements with potassium-chloride-solutions and fountain solutions at printing-plates-materials and inks principal confirmed the existance of electro-chemical double layers. The composition of the electro-chemical double layers is causes by the absorption from OH-Ions out of the aqueous fountain solution. That observed time-dependence of the zeta-potential at the interface isopropanol-solution/copying layer point out unequivocally to phenomenas of diffusion and swelling toward, which together with the mechanical influences during the printing process could lead to the untimely destruction of the copying layers. With knowledge of the isoelectric point of the hydrophilic areas of offset-printing plates is possible an exact vote between the isoelectric point and the pH-value of the fountain solution to the decreasing of phenomena of inking, partly causes by uncontrolled absorption inversely loaded particles on the hydrophilic areas of the offset-printing plates.