Dec 15, 2014
Condé Systems has introduced its exclusive Ink Minder system for managing the "Use By" dates of dye-sublimation inks. Being aware of each cartridge's “Use By” date is critically important because an expired cartridge’s performance cannot be guaranteed and should be replaced. Although the “Use By” date is printed on the side of each cartridge, removing an installed cartridge from the printer is not recommended except for replacement. Condé Systems’ Ink Minder labeling method remedies this problem by keeping the cartridges' “Use By” dates clearly visible on the front of the printer without having to remove them. Additionally, writing a cartridge’s installation date on its Ink Minder Sticker allows the user to determine the rate of ink use for that particular color. All DyeTrans SG 3110DN and SG 7100DN dye-sub printer purchases from Condé Systems now include the Ink Minder Plate and all dye-sub ink cartridges include Ink Minder Stickers to peel and place on the plate.
Also Tagged: Dye Sublimation, News, Quality Control, Quality Control