Jan 18, 2016
OSHA has announced the creation of a new website for employers to use as an option for reporting fatalities and serious injuries that involve work-related hospitalizations, amputations or the loss of an eye via online. The website is
The website is designed to help employers comply with the new injury and illness reporting requirements that went into effect in January 2015. The website provides information on when reporting is required, how to make reports, and a section on frequently asked questions.
While employers can still report fatalities and applicable injuries in person and by phone, the online option makes reporting more convenient but is also an element implemented towards OSHA’s proposed requirement for certain employers to submit injury and illness records digitally. OSHA plans to release a report on the number of employers who submitted reports as well as an analysis of the information reported.
SGIA continues to monitor the activity surrounding injury/illness recordkeeping and reporting and will announce any new information as it becomes available.
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