With the recent launch of mid-range 24-inch dye sub printers, users have been requesting a heat press which has a small footprint and offers a platen size matching the printer widths. Graphics One has the answer with the launch of the new Fuze 32 Heat Press.
Graphics One is pleased to announce the release of the new Fuze Heat Press line, a high quality professional line of heat presses. Starting with Fuze 32, a 25.5-inch by 31.5-inch manual heat press, this line is meant for users who are advancing into large format dye sublimation or advanced users who are adding extra capacity and require a larger heat press. The Fuze 32 accommodates oversized imaging from either EPSON, Mutoh or Sawgrass 24-inch dye sub printers. With an easy-glide drawer, the manual Fuze 32 is super easy to operate and provides digital time and temperature controls. With a list price of $3,995, the Fuze 32 establishes a price performance level not offered by other heat presses at this size.
According to Juan Carlos Clavijo, New Product Development, “the line of Fuze presses are manufactured in the Americas and were developed specifically for sublimation printers from EPSON, Mutoh and Sawgrass. We feel the pricing of our unit at $3,995 is the perfect complement to those who require a high quality heat press for use with their mid-sized dye sub printers.”
The Fuze 32 is available March 1, 2016 from Graphics One and its channel partners.