In 2014, the Vermont General Assembly passed Act 188, An act relating to the regulation of toxic substances requiring manufacturers report to the Vermont Department of Health (Department) when their children’s products contain one or more chemicals of high concern to children (CHCC) and if offered for sale in Vermont.
Manufacturers of children’s products are required to report the use of chemicals of high concern to children to the Department when they are offered for sale in Vermont, including Internet sales. The term “manufacturer” usually means the entity whose name is affixed to the product, if that entity has a physical presence in the US. If the entity whose name is affixed to the children’s product does not have a physical presence in the US, then the entity who sells the product in Vermont is considered the manufacturer.
Vermont’s Chemical Disclosure Program online reporting system is now available for use. All information can be found at The first reporting deadline is January 1, 2017. Manufacturers are required to provide disclosures to the Department by this date. A webinar providing a walkthrough of the online reporting system is available. Please click
HERE to view the webinar walkthrough of the online reporting system. The webinar takes just over 15 minutes.
Note that the link to the online reporting system ( brings you to the VT Secretary of State’s corporations division website. The online reporting system is located within this site. If you already have a login with VT SoS, you may use the same login credentials to log in and access the CDP reporting system. If you do not have an account, you will have to make one.
SGIA is in the process of developing additional information regarding this reporting requirement. For more information, please contact Marci Kinter at
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