Tucanna and Four Pees Organize PDF Training Prior to SGIA Expo in Las Vegas

Tucanna Software & Development, a developer for print production automation and quality control solutions and Four Pees, international distributor for the print and publishing industries, announce the organization of a one-day training right before the 2016 SGIA Expo in Las Vegas starts. PDF On Tour On Tuesday, September 13 (the day before the SGIA Expo) Tucanna and Four Pees organize an event called PDF On Tour. David van Driessche, CTO at Four Pees will guide the one-day training together with Darrian Young, President at Tucanna. David explains: ”We are the international distributor for callas and Tucanna software products and having exhibited together at drupa in Germany we figured that customers had a specific need in getting thorough information and hands-on training for their PDF issues, so we came up with this concept.” PDF On Tour is a technical event around PDF, tFLOW from Tucanna and the pdfToolbox technology from callas software (which is the PDF engine integrated in tFLOW). Darrian adds: “Expect no sales pitches here, rather technical background on the PDF file format, preflight and preflight standards and how to accomplish very practical tasks in your workflow. Bringing your own laptop is advisable, as it will allow following along with presentations and getting the most out of each topic.” The 2016 SGIA Expo Tucanna exhibits at the 2016 SGIA Expo (booth #2577) taking place from September 14-16. They will showcase tFLOW, a powerful digital and large format automation workflow that simplifies difficult file management tasks and processes to optimize efficiency and production throughput. tFLOW eliminates redundant manual touch points and provides team communication tools for the 21st century. Customers, sales representatives, prepress operators and production teams can collaborate in real-time 24/7 with total visibility, eliminating lengthy email chains, text messages and calls that cause missed deadlines and costly mistakes and delays. Low cost of ownership allows virtually any company to access the latest technology on the market today. tFLOW’s modern and open architecture easily integrates with any MIS, Web2Print, ERP and Output Systems. Darrian Young and David Van Driessche will be at the booth to show the benefits of tFLOW and to answer all your questions. For more information, please visit www.tucanna.com or www.fourpees.com.
Also Tagged: News, Quality Control, Quality Control