On February 14, 2017 SGIA attended an EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics public meeting on Chemical Use Information. Last year, the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21
st Century Act went into effect, amending the previous Toxic Substances Control Act. Many chemicals will need to undergo risk evaluations as a result of this rule, and late last year the EPA announced the first ten chemicals that will undergo such chemicals. The purpose of the meeting was for the agency to receive input and information to assist in efforts to establish the scope of risk evaluations under development for these ten chemical substances.
EPA gave a brief overview of the scoping process for risk evaluations, and then detailed use information for the first ten chemicals. The agency then gave the floor to the audience and allowed the public to provide comments. Many organizations used this opportunity to clarify use information and update the information on uses that are outdated or no longer applicable. Several organizations suggested that accidents and unintended uses are outside the scope of this rule and should not be considered under the conditions of use. There were also some requests for an extension of the comment period.
The agency has created separate dockets for each of the ten initial chemical substances for risk evaluation and requests that written comments be submitted by March 15, 2017.
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