New Interactive Local Print Production Dashboard

Warrendale, PA--PIA's Center for Print Economics and Management has created an interactive dashboard on printing shipments produced in nearly every county in the United States. The valuable information in this dashboard allows printers to evaluate local shipments and determine market share potentials. For industry suppliers, the system provides immediate insight into local market opportunities. The information is based upon the most recently released data from the U.S. Census Bureau's County Business Patterns Database and is subject to the counties identified as having a printer coded as NAICS 323 according to the U.S Census Bureau.

Key features of the �Local Print Production �Dashboard �include:

  • Shipment values by easy-to-understand gradient color variants
  • The ability to zoom in to a key area
  • Full access to all counties (an exclusive PIA member benefit)
  • Intuitive map-based navigation

Users simply operate their scroll wheel to zoom into the counties that interest them and hover over the counties to see the county name and the shipment volume.

For further questions, please feel free to reach out to Ron Davis at �rdavis [at] �or Tai McNaughton at �tmcnaughton [at]

Anyone can access a limited version of the map by clicking here. Members of Printing Industries of America and its affiliates can access the full version by using their member login information.


About Printing Industries of America

Printing Industries of America is the largest trade association dedicated to graphic communications with more than 6,000 member organizations through the United States and Canada. PIA along with its local affiliated associations delivers services and products that enhance the knowledge, growth, and profitability of members through advocacy, research, education, and networking.

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