On July 19, 2017 SGIA attended a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Public hearing in Pittsburgh, PA to give testimony on a proposed rule to control volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from industrial cleaning solvents and additional RACT requirements for major sources of VOC’s.
The purpose of the hearing was for the PADEP to get input on how this proposed rule will impact relevant stakeholders.
At the hearing, SGIA expressed support for the PADEP’s statements that the rule will impact a significant amount of facilities and further pointed out that an estimated 850 screen and digital printing facilities operating in Pennsylvania would be impacted by the rules applicability threshold of 2.7 tons per 12 month rolling period.
During the testimony SGIA supported the PADEP’s proposed language in section (c) of the proposed rule which would list digital printing as an exempted category.
Finally, SGIA expressed agreement with the Department’s proposed language which would allow screen printing operations to utilize cleaning solvents with a VOC content of no more than 4.2 lbs. per gallon or 500 grams per liter. The use of this low VOC technology represents RACT for our industry sector and will align Pennsylvania’s rule with other state regulations.
SGIA continues to monitor this critical rulemaking.
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