Jul 25, 2017
On July 21, 2017, SGIA attended a Small Business Labor Safety Roundtable hosted by the Small Business Administration in Washington, D.C. The roundtable provided a forum for small business stakeholders to discuss the current regulatory climate. Speakers from the SBA and the Department of Labor gave updates on key regulatory issues.
Nathan Mehrens of the DOL spoke about the current regulatory review and reform process taking place due to Executive Orders 13771 and 13777. The DOL will be putting together a “taskforce” to determine which rules under their jurisdiction should be repealed or modified. Some rules already undergoing the process for repeal are the DOL drug testing rule, OSHA’s continuing recordkeeping obligation, and the DOL’s rule on savings arrangements established by qualified state political subdivisions for non-governmental employees.
Bruce Lundegren of the SBA provided an update on a series Regional Regulatory Reform Roundtables that the Administration is holding. The first of the roundtables was held in June in New Orleans, where key topics included the DOL rule changes and supply chain issues. In June, a roundtable was held in Idaho where the SBA heard a lot from the mining and timber industries about their concerns. SBA will be hosting more of these roundtables in other cities in the coming months.
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