Sep 8, 2017
On September 6, 2017 SGIA attended a House Committee on Small Business meeting, titled “Expediting Economic Growth: How Streamlining Federal Permitting Can Cut Red Tape for Small Businesses.” The purpose of the hearing was to address the growing number of overlapping federal laws and regulations that small businesses must comply with.
Several witnesses provided their views on federal permitting issues. Mr. Louis Griesemer, testifying on behalf of the National Sand Stone Gravel Association, commented that permitting regulations can delay projects and often these regulations can be contradictory, causing even more confusion and delays. Ms. Margot Dorfman, CEO of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce, stated that permitting regulations are there to protect people and the environment. Ms. Dorfman recommended that the SBA play more of role in working with Congress to streamline regulatory requirements for small businesses.
Some of the key takeaways from the discussion were that overlapping regulations are a big problem for small businesses, regulations are often too long and difficult to understand, and that there should be a clear line of authority to make decisions regarding regulatory compliance to avoid setbacks and confusion.
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