Sep 8, 2017
On September 7, 2017 SGIA attended a House Committee on Small Business meeting, titled “Examining the Small Business Labor Market.” The purpose of the hearing was to understand trends in the labor market and how they affect small businesses, including current challenges with locating and retaining employees with necessary skills.
Witnesses from a variety of interested parties provided their account on the current state of the labor market. Several of the witnesses stated the importance of reaching out to young people and creating more pathways to apprenticeship programs in manufacturing industries. Mr. Gardner Carrick of the Manufacturing Institute discussed current programs that offer young people exposure to these kinds of jobs that they may not have otherwise considered.
Additionally, witnesses discussed the impact that regulations have on the labor market. In some states, businesses are requirement to have several employees supervising one intern/apprentice. For small businesses who don’t have the resources or employees necessary to provide this kind of supervision, this may make it difficult to hire young people.
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