In short, no; standards don't exist is this area. We recommend that companies: 1) establish a standard way of measuring spoilage; 2) have an initiative to reduce spoilage, including setting goals and dealing with its causes; 3) make spoilage levels and trends visible to employees; and 4) benchmark spoilage rate against top performing companies. We define spoilage as unplanned waste (defects, reruns, excessive run/makeready waste, etc.), and recommend including all costs of the spoiled work. Leaders in this area have spoilage rates of less than 1% of sales. PIA is currently surveying member companies to discover spoilage rates by type of company. To participate and get a summary of the results, go to (survey closes at end of 2017).
The Art of the Spend
Print company owners agree: Continuous CapEx investment is essential to growth, but justifiable only when clear and measurable benefits are in view.