With regard to speed specifications, do your best to convert them to the same metric before comparison. Some manufacturers report printed pages per minute, but you should note that the page size may vary. Still others discuss web speeds, and some of the newer sheetfed devices will talk about sheets per minute. The speed specification is intimately tied to a resolution, and you need to know it in order to make a reasonable comparison. Resolution specs are particularly tricky to compare. Often the specs given are the maximum resolution, which requires the press to run at a slow speed; you want to know the resolution at the speed you'll normally be using. In addition, you may have different resolutions in line with the print direction and across it, which are dependent on the speed. Finally, the droplet size will impact the appearance, as will the device's ability (or inability) to produce multiple droplet sizes. In practice, prints from two devices quoting the same resolution may not look the same, so don't make a decision on print quality without evaluating printed samples.
G7+ Expert Certification May 19-23 Live Online
G7+ Expert Training & Certification is specially designed for hands-on experience driven learning. This interactive, live online training takes place over five consecutive half days led by G7+ Trainer Tim Quinn.