I have heard the term picture framing used to describe several different press conditions. Picture framing is caused by marginal dampening of the non-image area of the plate, resulting in a scumming condition that is not visible on the printed sheets but accumulates on the blanket outside of the sheet area. The scumming on the plate is the result of the plate, fountain solution, ink, and press dampening system marginally working to dampen the non-image area of the plate. This condition is difficult to troubleshoot. Check that the fountain solution is mixed correctly, conductivity of the source water is normal, the plate processor is clean and working correctly, and that the inking and dampening rollers are set correctly and not glazed. Changing one of these items can solve the problem. Ask your ink, fountain solution, and plate suppliers for assistance.
U.S. International Trade Commission Approves Tariffs Targeting Aluminum Lithographic Printing Plates from China and Japan
On October 22, 2024, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) determined that a U.S. industry is materially injured by imports of aluminum lithographic printing plates from China and Japan. The U.S. Department of Commerce determined that the printing plates are being sold at less than fair value and subsidized by the government of the People’s Republic of China.