Spray powder is composed of food starches, but some spray powder can contain unsafe ingredients such as talc, clays, calcium carbonate, and silicone. If you are concerned about spray powder's health effects, use a food grade spray powder. Spray powder should not be allowed to accumulate in thick layers in the pressroom. Spray powder particles in the air at high concentrations can cause explosions and fires and are regulated by OSHA.
A Safer Year: Printing Industry's Injury and Illness Rates Fall Dramatically in 2023
The printing industry has seen a remarkable improvement in safety, with injury and illness rates for 2023 showing a dramatic decrease. According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of reported workplace injuries and illnesses in printing operations dropped by 1,200 incidents from 2022 to 2023, marking a 20.3% decrease.