Only if you are shipping products for direct distribution or to clients that will distribute them in California. In that case, the warning requirements that took effect at the end of August apply to the products if they contain a regulated chemical above the "safe harbor" level. There are over 800 chemicals that are recognized as either carcinogenic or reproductive hazards. If your products contain any of those chemicals that could result in exposure above the "safe harbor" level, then the revised regulation requires specific language and format for the warning label that must appear on the product. Not all chemicals have a "safe harbor" threshold. If your product doesn't contain those chemicals, your clients may ask you for a document verifying compliance. You can read more at our Prop 65 webpage.
G7+ Expert Certification May 19-23 Live Online
G7+ Expert Training & Certification is specially designed for hands-on experience driven learning. This interactive, live online training takes place over five consecutive half days led by G7+ Trainer Tim Quinn.