In 2018, the Washington State legislature passed, and the Governor signed into law a program to address use of certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food packaging as of January 1, 2022, pending an alternatives assessment. The WA State Department of Ecology has begun the process of an alternative assessment. The tentative scoping strategy limits the scope of the assessment to paper wraps and liners. The Department is also considering adding bags and sleeves to this scope. A tentative list of potential alternatives was also proposed. Under the RCW 70.95G, Ecology must continue reviewing potential alternatives if safer alternatives are not identified “for some or all categories of food packaging applications.” Paper wraps and liners would serve as a first phase of this work. Other applications such as containers, service ware, pet food bags, etc., will be prioritized for further consideration. All information pertaining to the AA is located on the WA PFAS CAP website.
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