How can ink mileage be increased on a press?

The amount of pigment in the ink will have the greatest effect on ink mileage. Pigment is the most expensive ingredient in ink; typically, less expensive inks with less pigment will have poorer mileage. Paper coatings keep more of the ink on the surface and tend to require less ink. Any condition on the press, including ink/water balance and printing pressures that cause the press operator to run a heavier ink film, will increase ink consumption. Theoretically, the best lithographic printing occurs with just enough fountain solution to keep the plate from scrumming and just enough ink to print the required solid ink density. GCR (Gray Component Replacement) can also reduce ink consumption of process colors by making the black separation heavier and reducing the amount of ink used by the CMY separations to create grays.

Also Tagged: Estimating, Ink, Press