A. That's an easy answer for us, since we've helped many companies move to new locations. Here are some of the items that can get overlooked:
* Examine the electrical capacity. Most print operations require 480 volts/3 phase/1,200-1,500 amps with some circuit breakers that can support 200 and 400 amps for main press drives.
* Inspect the lighting system, since many old fluorescent lighting fixtures are now obsolete and there are EPA restrictions on the disposal of the 6-foot bulbs.
* Check the spacing of the vertical roof support beams. They should ideally be 40- to 50-foot centers to permit optimum spacing layouts of the planned plant equipment installations.
* Have a roof inspection performed to spot areas of leaks, HVAC penetrations, and if the roof is silver painted to reflect the sun.
* Consider the costs of lowering ceilings to optimize the required climate control for inkjet and other digital presses.
Cober Announces a Significant Expansion to their HQ Facility in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
KITCHENER, ON, JULY 13, 2023 – Cober, Canada’s premiere print partner, announces a significant expansion to their HQ facility in Kitchener, Ontario (one hour West of Toronto). This investment comes as they continue to experience unprecedented growth.