Yes. Walk behind electric fork trucks, powered hand trucks, pallet jacks, and rider trucks are considered to be powered industrial trucks (PIT) under OSHA regulation. OSHA regulation requires that employers train PIT operators before they begin operating PIT and retrain the operators at least every three years. The training classes must include classroom knowledge-based instruction and hands-on evaluation to ensure the operator demonstrates competency. It is also important that training is representative of the equipment, attachments, and operating conditions at the facility. Anyone who has not been through this training or recertified within three years should not operate a PIT.
A Safer Year: Printing Industry's Injury and Illness Rates Fall Dramatically in 2023
The printing industry has seen a remarkable improvement in safety, with injury and illness rates for 2023 showing a dramatic decrease. According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of reported workplace injuries and illnesses in printing operations dropped by 1,200 incidents from 2022 to 2023, marking a 20.3% decrease.