The Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute (TLMI) hosted their first Recycling Summit in St. Louis on Wednesday, October 16th. The purpose of this event was to bring together local businesses with recycling companies in their community. A waste to energy facility also attended to educate the attendees on the benefits this option provides for certain non-recyclable materials.
Recycling is a very material specific process and education is necessary to ensure that those who have materials to offer can take advantage of their options and ability to avoid landfilling waste. The program allowed for the exchanging of ideas with peers in a common geographic area. This brought to light an understanding of the challenges involved in recycling and allowed for the sharing of practical and feasible solutions.
Attendees engaged in a collaborative discussion about the logistics of recycling such as how to store it, cost comparisons, growing customer demand for zero waste to landfill systems, etc. The goal of the program was achieved as it allowed those with a common goal the ability to think globally, but act locally through available sustainability initiatives.
Recycling is a very material specific process and education is necessary to ensure that those who have materials to offer can take advantage of their options and ability to avoid landfilling waste. The program allowed for the exchanging of ideas with peers in a common geographic area. This brought to light an understanding of the challenges involved in recycling and allowed for the sharing of practical and feasible solutions.
Attendees engaged in a collaborative discussion about the logistics of recycling such as how to store it, cost comparisons, growing customer demand for zero waste to landfill systems, etc. The goal of the program was achieved as it allowed those with a common goal the ability to think globally, but act locally through available sustainability initiatives.