“Five Secrets to Maximize Artwork for DTG Printing” will cover important rules to follow when creating designs. Find out why raster is the best format for digital printing, and tricks to help camouflage banding.
Image size and resolution can dramatically affect quality. Learn why and how to ensure original artwork meets the necessary criteria. This webinar is presented in Adobe® Photoshop®.
Register now.
Clement recently released a new book “Artwork for DTG Printing,” which can be found at https://www.greatdanegraphics.com/Content/Images/uploaded/Artwork-for-DTG-Printing-Sneak-Peek.pdf. Be on the lookout for more training and art tools on how to become a better decorator from Clement in the near future.
Dane Clement of Great Dane Graphics is a well-known educator in the garment decorating industry, bringing a wealth of knowledge through training videos, art tools and easy-to-follow books. His most notable offerings include "T-Shirt for Artwork Simplified," "Artwork for DTG Printing," and instructional videos on creating and editing artwork in Adobe® and Corel®.