We posed your question to Ray Hartman, a PIA consultant who specializes in press issues and plant layout. Ray said to ensure that you can power the press with 480V x 250A x 60Hz and to ground it with a 3-foot solid copper rod. The press floor should have compacted gravel and 14-18 inches of concrete (depending on soil type) reinforced with steel rebar. Finally, the press should be positioned so that there is adjacent space for at least four pallets.
U.S. International Trade Commission Approves Tariffs Targeting Aluminum Lithographic Printing Plates from China and Japan
On October 22, 2024, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) determined that a U.S. industry is materially injured by imports of aluminum lithographic printing plates from China and Japan. The U.S. Department of Commerce determined that the printing plates are being sold at less than fair value and subsidized by the government of the People’s Republic of China.