EPA produced one radio and three video public service announcements to encourage households to recycle right and to not litter or put personal protective equipment (PPE) in recycling collection carts.
• EPA Administrator Wheeler’s video message
• Recycling during health crisis video
• Don't recycle personal protective equipment video
Additional information has also been added to our Recycling During COVID-19 website. The press release is available here. EPA is working with the National Association of Broadcasters to make them aware of the public service announcements, which can be accessed by media outlets.
You can also find more information about recycling during the Pandemic on PRINTING United Alliance's Recycling Initiatives page.
• EPA Administrator Wheeler’s video message
• Recycling during health crisis video
• Don't recycle personal protective equipment video
Additional information has also been added to our Recycling During COVID-19 website. The press release is available here. EPA is working with the National Association of Broadcasters to make them aware of the public service announcements, which can be accessed by media outlets.
You can also find more information about recycling during the Pandemic on PRINTING United Alliance's Recycling Initiatives page.