Idealliance & PRINTING United Alliance Celebrate a Milestone: The 20,000th G7 Master Qualification Submission

Idealliance, a global leader in standards and training for print and packaging supply chains, recently celebrated a monumental achievement: the submission of the 20,000th G7® Master Qualification. This milestone underscores the significant impact that G7 certification has had on the print and packaging industries, ensuring consistent color quality and enhancing global print standards.

What is G7 Master Qualification?

The Idealliance G7 Master Qualification program is a certification that focuses on colorimetric calibration and print quality control. It ensures that print providers align their processes to the G7 methodology, which emphasizes color consistency and accuracy across various printing devices, substrates, and workflows. By achieving G7 Master status, companies demonstrate their ability to consistently produce high-quality prints that meet the exacting standards set by Idealliance.

The program is recognized worldwide and is widely adopted across commercial, packaging, and publication printing sectors. Whether using offset, digital, or other printing methods, G7 calibration ensures that colors appear the same regardless of the medium or location.

The Significance of 20,000 Submissions

Reaching the 20,000th submission is a testament to the growing global commitment to maintaining high print standards. Since the program’s inception, print service providers, OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), and brands have increasingly recognized the benefits of adhering to G7 standards. The submission represents not just a number but a significant industry-wide push towards uniformity and quality in print production. Jordan Gorski, executive director of Idealliance, expressed his excitement about this achievement:

"The 20,000th G7 Master submission is more than a milestone. It’s a reflection of the industry's commitment to excellence and the trust that global brands place in G7-certified providers. As the demand for consistent and high-quality print grows, the G7 methodology continues to serve as the foundation of industry standards for color, print quality, and alignment of workflows and supply chains.”

Why G7 Certification Matters

Consistency is key in printing, particularly for global brands that need to maintain uniformity in their branding across different regions, printing techniques, and substrates. By achieving G7 certification, companies not only demonstrate their expertise but also their ability to meet the rigorous demands of today's market.

Key benefits of G7 certification include:

  1. Color Consistency Across Platforms: Whether printing on different substrates or using varied techniques, G7 certification ensures that colors remain uniform.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Standardizing the printing process through G7 reduces waste and rework, ultimately saving both time and money.
  3. Global Standard: G7 certification is recognized globally, allowing certified print service providers to compete on an international scale.
  4. Improved Quality Control: G7-certified companies maintain better control over their printing processes, which results in improved quality and client satisfaction.

A Growing Trend Across the Globe

With more than 20,000 submissions, it’s clear that the G7 certification has become the gold standard for print service providers worldwide. The growth is not limited to a particular region, as the program has expanded across the Americas, Europe, Asia, and other key printing markets.

Major brands increasingly look for G7-certified printers to ensure that their materials are printed with the same level of quality and consistency, no matter where they are produced. This demand has led to more print service providers investing in the G7 methodology to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their clients.

Looking Ahead: The Future of G7 Certification

As the printing and packaging industries continue to evolve with advancements in digital printing, automation, and sustainable practices, the G7 methodology remains relevant and forward-looking. PRINTING United Alliance is committed to continuous innovation, ensuring that G7 standards keep pace with industry advancements.

In addition to its existing G7 programs, PRITNING United Alliance plans to introduce more training opportunities, expanded certification categories with G7+, along with the G7+ methodology to address the changing landscape of printing technologies.

The 20,000th G7 Master Qualification submission marks a significant moment for PRINTING United Alliance and the global print industry. As more companies embrace the G7 methodology, the future of print looks brighter, with an increasing focus on quality, consistency, and innovation. This milestone celebrates not just the achievements of the past but also the exciting developments yet to come in the world of color management and print standards.

To locate a G7 Master printer, visit the official G7 Master Qualification directory at 

To learn about G7+, visit   
