ISO/PAS 15339 Certification

The ISO/PAS 15339 System Certification authenticates the capabilities of press technology to meet the color space requirements specified by the Characterized Reference Print Conditions (CRPCs) of ISO/PAS 15339.

Elite ISO-PAS Master Certified System BadgeOverview and Benefits

Manufacturers may submit for PRINTING United Alliance ISO/PAS 15339 System Certification by printing a series of test forms according to the given criteria. The forms are sent to Rochester Institute of Technology’s Printing Applications Laboratory for evaluation, where they are measured and compared against predetermined tolerances. Systems that pass all required conditions are awarded certification, the supplier system details are published, and the supplier can display the certification logo on their product collateral. Potential customers will recognize the certification logo and have confidence when considering purchase of a certified system.

PRINTING United Alliance ISO/PAS 15339 System Certification specifies seven (7) CRPCs for six commonly used conventional printing conditions and one large color gamut printing condition of the wide format inkjet printer.

Idealliance ISO/PAS 15339 Certified Systems Reference Print Conditions

CRPCNameTypical UseIndustry News
1Universal ColdsetNewsSmall gamut printing (newsprint)Coldset News
2Universal HeatsetNewsModerate gamut print on improved newsprint-type paperHeatset News
3Universal PremUncoatedUtility printing on super-calendared paperGRACoL2013 Uncoated
4Universal SuperCalGeneral printing on super-calendared paperSuperCal
5Universal PubCoatedTypical publication printingSWOP2013 Coated#3
6Universal PremCoatedLarge gamut (typically commercial) printingGRACoL2013 Coated#1
7Universal Extra LargeExtra large gamut printing processesExtended Gamut


  • A digital press system consists of the Digital Front End (DFE), print engine, substrate, and inks.
  • System certification is valid for one year for the system evaluated and, and continued annually with certification maintenance.
  • Full payment is required to process application (nonrefundable). Fees cover certification submission with accompanying services.
  • Successful certifications are posted to the PRINTING United Alliance certification website and sent official certification.
  • A “silent” submission can be made for your internal use as necessary for product testing, research, and advance product marketing.
  • Maintaining system certification requires an annual license fee, which covers recertification incremental version updates and continued compliance with industry standards, ensuring the product remains competitive and recognized.
LevelISO/PAS 15339 Conformed Digital PressISO/PAS 15339 Conformed Elite Digital Press
IMasterMaster Elite
IIAdvancedAdvanced Elite
IIIIntermediateIntermediate Elite

How to Get Certified

  • Technology providers apply for system certification and are billed for the appropriate certification fees.
  • Once application, data, documentation, and fees are collected by PRINTING United Alliance, the system will be authorized for analysis.
  • Application and verification will be conducted by PRINTING United Alliance’s independent 3rd party analysis lab.
  • Upon successful evaluation, certification will be granted.
  • Certification is maintained annually.

Steps to Apply

  1. Download the PRINTING United Alliance ISO/PAS 15339 System Certification Packet. Download includes certification protocol, and IT8/7.5 Press Certification Print Targets.
  2. Complete the Application Form below.
  3. Instructions will then be provided to coordinate shipment of printed samples to the Alliance’s third-party evaluation laboratory. An invoice will also be generated, and once payment is received, evaluation will occur.
  4. Upon successful completion, certification will be granted.


Coordinate logistics for shipment of printed samples with PRINTING United Alliance. Details will be provided upon completion of the form below.

Online Application

Pricing Per Submission:

  • Member: $5,500
  • Non-Member: $7,500

Maintenance, per system:

  • Member: $3,000
  • Non-Member: $4,000

*Silent Submissions are subject to the same pricing model as a full submission.

Apply Now!