Joe Clarke Innovator Award Nomination Form


There are three categories for the Joe Clarke Innovator Awards. There cannot be more than three winners each year. Three winners are not mandatory and no winner can claim more than one category based on the same innovation product or service. The same person could potentially win an award in more than one category if the innovation is a different innovation. The categories are:

  1. Screen Print (Analog) Printing Technology
  2. Digital Printing Technology
  3. Business Innovation and Software Technology


Qualification Questions Regarding the Nominee:

2. Is the nominee still living (the year of this nomination)?

3. The nominee does not have to be present at the presentation of the award but it is highly recommend that they make every effort to attend the presentation.

Qualifying Innovations Questions:

1. Is the innovation readily available to the public and members of our association for purchase and use?

2. Is the innovation a useful and beneficial renovation of existing products, machines, tools, instruments, processes, business sales tools such as software, or new methodologies?

3. Is the innovation a highly innovative business changing program with or without software, that has been successfully implemented and used by print companies?

4. Is the innovation relative to the business operation environments of the PRINTING United Alliance industry members?

5. Is the innovation original, clearly accepted, and proven to be beneficial by member printers, vendors, or service providers?


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