As motivated by the idea to bridge the gap between high-dynamic-range (HDR) imaging and high-fidelity color reproduction in the high-end of Graphic Arts industry, the aim of this research had two tasks. The first work was to derive an HDR contone to Hi-Fi halftone-conversion characterization model for both six- colorant CMYKOG and seven-colorant CMYKORG printing systems, via fitting spectral-reflectance approach. It was optimally revised and extended from a previous research. Two Hi-Fi imaging devices of a 7-ink press and �a �6- colorant Inkjet printer were tested. The second study �carried �out �a �halftone- palate type of image display model, for high-fidelity soft-proofing and facsimile simulation of multi- ink or colorant printing system. An Adobe RGB format of wide-gamut LCD display was used for this work. All halftone-dithering processes involved an iterative thresholding operation by using CIEDE2000 color-difference formula, for the "find closest color", to match the input color to the closest available hardware color palette from 64 (i.e. 26) and 128 (i.e. 27) combinations, applied in the simulation of 6-colorant and 7-ink printing systems respectively
The color difference formula of CIEDE2000, via both the looking-up-table and the evaluation of the correspondent training set, was also adopted here to optimize the prediction and rendition performances for both halftone-conversion of printing and display processes. Therefore, via the bridge of these two well- performed modules derived in this research, an optimized cross-media HDR contone-to-halftone Hi-Fi color transform �module �on �both �hardcopy �and softcopy was satisfactorily proposed to form a complete color reproduction pipeline, and used as a main workflow in the process of color management.